Martin's Red is located on the site of the Belgian Football Center in Tubize - the training centre of the Red Devils as well as many other teams in all categories (professional teams, up-and-coming hopefuls, foreign delegations, ...). The hotel offers facilities optimised for players training in the centre, but it also gives preferential treatment to holiday-makers and business travellers.

With its polished contemporary design, extensive glass surfaces, very attentive staff and perfectly integrated sports references, Martin’s Red invites you to enjoy a stay with the comforts of home. At the corner of a corridor, you may cross paths with the Red Devils’ coach (he stays here regularly with his staff) or perhaps with one of the Red Devils before an international match on Belgian soil. 

But even though the sporting motifs are very present, the quality of the premises is extended equally to all those who are not necessarily under the magic spell of football. Martin's Red is a hotel of intelligently distributed spaces that allow its various clientele to live together in total harmony in an intimate, cosy and soothing atmosphere.

Events and professional stays
Just 30 minutes from Brussels, Martin's Red is also the ideal place to hold business meetings, product presentations, conferences and seminars. Its conference centre comprises a 160-seat auditorium equipped with translation booths, 7 meeting rooms, and a banquet hall for 160 persons as well. The hotel can be partially privatised for sports teams wishing to stay there. A dedicated reception desk, secure parking, and a professional fitness area with a medical office and massage tables are provided for this purpose.

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Kenmerken Martin's Red



Aantal personen

1 - 4 



openbaar vervoer 

parking - gratis 


vlakbij snelweg 


interne catering 






Activiteiten Martin's Red

Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
Vergaderzaal huren in Tubize | Vergaderzaal huren | Feestzaal huren in Tubize | Feestzaal huren | Hotels | Congreslocatie huren in Tubize | Congreslocatie huren | Evenementenlocatie huren in Tubize | Evenementenlocatie huren