Planet Jump Rope

  • Eugeen Verbiststraat 25, 2900 Schoten, België

Met Planet Jump Rope (PJR) bieden we rope skipping acts aan in heel de wereld op alle soorten van events.


Onze referenties: - Formula 1 Grand Prix (Abu Dhabi) - World Product Launch Sony-Ericsson (Singapore) - Jump Nation (BBC) - Hi Seoul Festival (South Korea) - Street Festival (Bratislava) - Private Birthday Party Samara (Russia) - National Hip Hop Championships (Tokyo) - The Slammer (BBC, UK) - Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde (TF1, Paris) - Adidas Fashion Show (Germany) - Footlocker European Manager of the Year Awards (The Netherlands) - Attention à la marche (TF1, Paris) - Al Hara show (MTV Arabia) - DU promotour, mall of the Emirates, City Center Mall (Dubai, UAE) - Yves Larock music video Rise Up (ministry of sound, Corsica) - Mazda Japan world press presentation autosaloon (Geneva) - Strathmore water commercial (Schotland) - Club Orange commercial (Ireland) - Blue Peter show (BBC, UK) - Paul O'Grady show (BBC, UK) - Openings act Lord of the Dance show (Brussels - Vorst National) - Nike All Star Games (Bercy - France) - BBC new years show Generation Fame (BBC, UK) - Olympic Univé Gymgala (The Netherlands) - Double Dutch Contest Apollo Theater (New York) - RedBull Sport Expo (Brussels, Belgium)


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Activiteiten Planet Jump Rope

Antwerpen | Belgium
entertainment | animatie | special act | break dance | jump rope | double dutch