
  • Markt 37, 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver, België

Restaurant Katelijne is a charming dining establishment located in the heart of the vegetable region, renowned for its refined and traditional Flemish cuisine. This delightful restaurant takes pride in offering a menu that emphasizes both delightful meat dishes as well as exquisite seafood options, ensuring a varied selection suitable for all tastes.

Whether you are looking for an intimate romantic dinner, a business lunch, or simply wish to enjoy a well-prepared salad, Restaurant Katelijne is the perfect destination. Every meal is crafted with seasonal ingredients, ensuring that the dishes are not only fresh but also reflect the current flavors of the season.

In addition to its main menu, the restaurant regularly features specials and suggestions that highlight the best of what is available, keeping the dining experience exciting and new. On warmer days, guests can also relax on the cozy terrace while enjoying their meals.

For those celebrating special occasions, Restaurant Katelijne offers a lovely function room suitable for up to 35 guests, making it an ideal choice for family gatherings, receptions, or corporate events. Flexibility is key here, and the team is happy to accommodate requests to ensure that every visit is memorable. Experience the exceptional culinary offerings of Restaurant Katelijne today!

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Activiteiten Katelijne

Antwerpen | België
Feestzaal huren in Sint-Katelijne-Waver | Feestzaal huren