We are an ever-evolving events company an international communication, pr & artist agency. Aimed at the electronic music scene.We support and promote artists, events and culture. We understand how creativity & technology work together. We are listening & see deeper. Observation is a holistic approach for us.

We’re able to capture signals of intelligent electronic sounds and translate them into the deep immersive music storytelling.

We focusing on Dj's, producers, forward-thinking artists.We conduct festivals, club parties, showcases, dj's sets, live sessions & artist performances.

Are you a producer, dj? Your individual creativity, skills and talent has the potential to create and to make use of your intellectual property? Or are you a forward- thinking artist & you strive to individualistic self- expression?

We are your event division. We match the most suitable partners & contractors for you.We promote your creations in the world & make you recognisable everywhere.

We are agents of your professional reality changing. We find your brand position in the industry and create a unique vision & your brand strategy, your digital context, brand development.

We are alchemists of your brand neurology. We produce a brain-explosive content. We design live experiences that create your brand value.

Through your power of creation, we find the smart path to tell your true goosebumps story.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Koop nu!

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Activiteiten Boson Events

Belgium | Limburg
Artiestenbureaus | Evenementenbureaus
events | entertainment | dj set | live music | live shows | festivals | showcase | private parties | performing art | immersive electronic experience | dance entertainment | dj sets | electronic music events | club parties | showcases